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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2013! 

While it may be a time to say out with the old and in with the new, the neat thing is that there's lots of choices and things to do, both old and new. 

It's fun to find out about new activities or books to read or social activities to do in addition to the regular day to day duties.  In many ways, it ends up overwhelming any normal person because there are soooo many choices.  Take the grocery store for example.  Okay I need to buy peanut butter but there are 20 varieties on the shelf so which is the one best matching what I need.  By the time I narrow down the selection, it's taken me several minutes that fly by fast but are much more grueling when my children are there.  Then it's off to the next item and another round of too many choices.  If people think it is easier to shop at the grocery store these days, it's challenging because of all the choices you must make.  I am liking the order your groceries online and drive over to pick them up.  It's $5 and that's well worth my time. 

That's my point.  There are too many choices that are taking too much time.  There are too many things to do that are taking too much time.  Your time is precious and is increasingly becoming more precious as every business and thing out there tries to get it.  Do you understand how you are becoming overwhelmed? 

There are the old ways of doing things.  There are the new ways of doing things (along with the learning curve).  What's overwhelming you today? 

For the New Year, perhaps a new year resolution is to be less overwhelmed and more pragmatic with where you spend your time.

Instead of spending time on the phone talking, why not read that one book your child is begging you to read because he wants your attention?  Instead of spending hours at the stores, why not sit down with a friend for a cup of coffee and fellowship?  Instead of fretting over coupons and saving nickels and dimes, why not go to the one grocery store where you know prices are already low enough?  Sometimes giving a little can mean a big benefit in lifestyle choice, time and the things that money can't buy. 

In Ephesians 4:1, it states for you to "live a life worthy of the calling you have received."  Where you are right now is right where God needs you to be.  For those times when you get overwhelmed, it is a good time to keep in mind this financial perspective. 

(c) 2013 Stephanie S. Arredondo     Alfa Sugar

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