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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Best Military Spouse "Hoooah" Moment

Accentuate the positiveand describe your best military wive Hoooah moment!
My husband’s Guard unit was returning from Iraq.  It had been a long deployment for many, and back home, there were few there to receive folks.  The main building was empty except for 2 or 3 people.  I had a bunch of red, white and blue decorations from a Fourth of July party and decided to recruit folks to decorate the reception area for our Welcome Home Festivities.  Being a small unit, I decorated the walls and even posted an American Flag doorway for folks to bust through as they came into the building, kind of like NFL where the football players run onto the field.  Just a little touch of decoration was at least something that I could do for folks who served our country in a combat zone.  Later my husband told me that the commander was grateful for the decorations as it was a morale booster for many.  It’s nice to know that little efforts can go a long way. 
Go to Wives of Faith for more information about the military spouse ministry.


  1. That was so nice of you to do! I bet it was an incredible morale booster for them to feel appreciated :)

  2. Awesome. My DH unit is small, too, I'm gonna remember this! Way to support our troops!
