Some creative writing below where bird and military spouse parallel one another. The Wives of Faith Blog Carnival topic is to post a picture that you've taken and then describe the story. Below is a story from the female bird's perspective on life and her surroundings in the picture.
She sits. Yes, she sits and deals with the world and all its challenges coming her way. Is someone staring at her? Is an innocent bystander wondering what’s going on? Maybe for once it’s okay to let her guard down and show her true side. Is her mate looking at her with concern and love? Yes, her mate is looking at her. It’s nice that her mate is interested in her. It’s nice to know that her world matters to her mate. Yet, it’s as if the world is upon her little body, and she can’t sustain things anymore. She’s still. She ponders. She lets out a big breath and enjoys the relaxed sag of her body. She awaits the next move. Her present world is available for all to see. Her private world teeters upon exposure. She collects her thoughts. She prays. She wonders what’s next or not. She is uncertain of her future, only the present is telling. She is in her home. She’s tired. She needs rest and restoration. She seeks little in return for what she’s given. She comforts with her presence. She gives with what she can. She loves in a way that her mate understands. She cares beyond measure. She observes her surroundings. She collects her thoughts. She thrives in her mate’s love. She takes it all in. She prepares to become what God wills her to be.
I wrote this because often military spouses experience similar feelings and emotions that perhaps folks cannot grasp or acknowledge. It is a lifestyle that is different from many. There's a certain vulnerability that military spouses endure especially during times of deployment. When I took this picture at the zoo, I had no idea that I would draft this kind of write-up and yet when I look at this beautiful bird in the picture, I can relate to those times in my life where I am tired, uncertain and experiencing the very things written above. So often, we military spouses forget to take care of ourselves, nuture ourselves and rejuvenate our minds and bodies. Perhaps this picture is a kind of reminder for military spouses regardless of deployment or not, to make time for yourself. It's worth it.
The financial perspective to keep in mind is that health and wellness is a great preventative for costly medical bills. Taking a hot bubble bath or jogging or attending a bible study or something that brings fun along with health and wellness is a great long term investment for pennies on the dollar.
Good post and good picture.