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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fisher House aids many with an upcoming project in Tennessee

The Tennessee Fisher House is working hard to raise donations and is pending construction in Murfreesboro TN.  The Fisher House is a nonprofit organization providing a home away from home for many military getting medical treatment.  96% of all donations directly benefit military families. 

Veterans, Public is outraged at Your Cost of Coming Home from War

The Tennessean published a three part series on Veterans called Coming Home by Tom Wilemon and the medical care being provided for them.    Tony Gonzolez wrote another article on how Middle TN Families are struggling to pay cost with war.   Wives of Faith was mentioned as a possible point of contact for help.  Public outrage is high at how our veterans are being treated based on one of the articles.  Mind you, less than a quarter of veterans dealt with physical issues requiring medical aid, yet the emotional trauma is high.  I believe that both articles provide a glimpse into what some military families have endured as a direct result of service.

On the day after Thanksgiving when these articles were published, I received a phone call for help for a World War II veteran who lost his double-wide and is struggling pretty bad.  While we are processing the situation to see how we can help him out, I am certain that there are more veterans dealing with similar struggles. 

The bitter pill is giving so much to a country that doesn't take care of them especially years later...that's what is difficult for some veterans to bear.  Cutting through the red tape of bureaucracy and government protocals, it's important that our veterans are helped out.  The Fisher House is a great outreach for those seeking to provide financial support to our veterans.    Donations are currently being raised for the Murfreesboro TN location of the TN Fisher House.   The majority of veterans are good people trying to be treated fair in a system struggling with many flaws that add fuel to the bitterness feeling.

Sure these veterans didn't have to sign up, serve, and get paid for their time in the military, but they DID! I applaud our veterans for serving (and getting paid as well as being given certain perks).  Honestly, the pay is low for what these folks and their families do to sacrifice for our country. 

Yet here is something that money can't buy and that is fighting for our freedom. 

Some folks sign up for college money.  Some folks sign up because they need a job and/or work experience.  Some folks do it for family tradition.  Some do it because they have no where else to go.  Some feel called to sign up.  Some are guilted into serving aleit family member, peer pressure or perhaps a bet.  Whatever the circumstance to enlist, the outcome is what it is. 

We hope for the best for each service person.  The best that we can say is Thank You for your service to our country. 

Tennessee Fisher House is located in Murfreesboro, TN and is pending construction.  There is a staff in place so telephone to see about specific means of support currently available. 
Phone: 615-916-1310

Tennessee Fisher House Foundation, Inc.
P. O. Box 774
Brentwood TN 37024-0774

Fisher House™ Foundation and the Fisher House™ program depends of public donations to continue its important work.  Fisher House™ Foundation does not disclose the names of its donors to any other individuals or organizations. We do not do telephone solicitation.  Fisher House™ Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Donations are tax deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law.




Tennessee Fisher House Foundation, Inc

P. O. Box 774

Brentwood TN 37024-0774

Please make checks payable to: “Tennessee Fisher House Foundation”

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

PTSD & Jobs

PTSD or post traumatic stress disorde is a serious issue for many military personnel.  While the tv show Castle showed how police officers deal with PTSD, it is much different and yet similar. 

It is a known fact that unemployment for those dealing with PTSD is higher than what many realize.  Even if the person dealing with PTSD is employed, it affects everyone.  Military wives must seek professional help if they feel that their spouse is not making progress.

Seeking employment especially during these challenging times is a challenge.  It is best to network among friends, family and someone in the career profession.  Taking a temporary job or doing odds and ends is better than nothing. 

People want to help and yet people are hurting because of these dismal economic times.  An interesting blog Rainmaker this retired military man provides some resources on it.

Learn a Foreign Language!

As a foreign language major and having traveled internationally, I am an advocate for people to learn a language other than their own native one.  The benefits are tremendous yet many Americans don't understand why. 

In the USA, there has been an increase in language usage other than the English language in everyday exchanges.  For example, we have seen an increase in the Hispanic/Latino culture.  Many lawn maintenance crew and other blue collar workers speak Spanish. 

French is a fun language, and I attribute my learning it to Julia Child's tv show.  My dream was to go to France and go to cooking school.  Signing up for French was a thrill...then came studying and mastering it.   It was a struggle to learn the language, and unless you are immersed in it, it is no wonder Americans have a difficult time learning another language.  I studied hard and persevered.  Studying abroad helped sharpen my French speaking skills.  It was neat to learn about the culture, the history, and the people. 

As a military wife, I haven't had the opportunity to PCS internationally with my husband.  He's traveled extensively and admits he wished he knew another language.  For most military wives, it behooves you to learn another language.  Our navy friends loved being stationed in Spain and gained an understanding of the Spanish language.  Now back in the states, they are enjoying this ability to speak with the new wave of Spanish speaking people.  A former boss studied Russian and served in the military.  He rarely speaks it but gained an understanding of the language and culture that he enjoys to this day.  One enlisted man who spoke arabic helped my husband purchase a nice gift while overseas.  Being in the military is fun because you gain exposure to other languages and cultures.

Today's world is more international where you are able to interact with internationals easier through less costly means of communication.  By understanding other languages, you understand other cultures and other people of this world.  Who knows, perhaps one day we will all converse in similar dialogues and get along better...but until then, it's a neat time to study and learn a foreign language.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Digital Donations This Red Kettle Season

For an institution founded in 1852 to start adopting digital means of accepting donations versus the traditional coins and dollars, it's going to get a great time of year for nonprofits such as The Salvation Army's Red Kettle Campaign.  Great organization that does way more than you would think even in this modern era!  If market research confirms that people spend more at fast food places when using a credit card, perhaps this will up donations to charity this holiday season. 

Fewer shoppers carry cash on them.  It is important to be protective of your credit/debit cards this holiday season. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11.7% Jobless Rate for Returning Veterans

In the November 4th, 2011 edition of the Kiplinger Letter, I read an interesting commentary about Military Veterans and them finding jobs on the homefront.  The jobless rate for returning soldiers is 11.7%.  This is a significantly higher rate than the unemployment rate in the U.S.  I believe that many of these numbers are NOT true representatives of the reality.  For example, a Navy reservist has been denied employment because of his military status.  While against the law, it is a reality than many don't realize is happening to our men and women serving their country.  Free market enterprise is undergoing various challenges with a lackluster economy that is starting to pick up steam from this recession.  Some pickup is occurring but not at the breaknecking speed needed to turn the economy around.  GDP growth remains low relative to other countries. 

The Dept of Labor and Veteran's Affairs is offering incentives to businesses.  For those veterans seeking employment especially those wounded in a combat zone, there's a tax credit in hiring such a job candidate.  Government money for salaries and other incentives for employment may benefit small businesses seeking to hire yet limited with monetary means.  Obviously you need to research this on your end for clarification because some employers hiring may not realize the added benefit a veteran offers.  At the America's Heroes for Work site, you will find loads of information about this topic.  As each state operates differently and as the information is limited, it is wise to seek counsel and/or talk with a private headhunter who may specialize in placement of veterans.

Job seekers are challenged today in the U.S.  It is wise to keep in mind that this is not you personally but the market conditions in this country.  I pray that you seek a support group either at a church or an employment office or elsewhere.  Never give up faith and hope as you or a friend seeks employment.  All the best, Alfa Sugar

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day Discounts and Deals

See this link for a free meal or other discount deals for veteran's, past and present with a valid military i.d.

THANK YOU Veterans

Happy Veteran's Day!

A simple Thank You for your Service to Our Country is the best thing that anyone can say to a veteran.  At an early morning school assembly, one veteran spoke about the importance of just saying Thank You.  I believe that many Americans do NOT take for granted the sacrifice and service of many in our armed forces.  I believe that many Americans are ignorant of the valor, courage, strength and fortitude of folks who serve and have served in our armed forces.  Tis better to do what is right and endure the slander from those ignorant of what it takes to excel for the common good.  Celebrate as we all should the wonderful freedoms we enjoy today.  This is truly a day of thanks for our Veteran's.

On Wives of Faith, Pattie Reitz posts a neat history clip as well as an appropriate poem.  WofF Veteran's Day 

History via the U.S. Dept. of Veteran's Affairs

The Purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stock Market Volatility

Portfolio managers are challenged increasingly with volatility in the stock market.  Tried and true methods of buying and holding while the stock goes up remains a popular method of investment management.  However, given the internet and the overwhelming ability to gain access to market research, timely trades and online investing, it's a whole new market environment that forces many managers to finetune their gamesmanship.  Conservative mutual funds tend to invest in technology, energy, consumer discretionary and financials especially when the 200 day moving average line is in an upward slope.  To hedge any downside risk, many park it in defensive holds such as utilities, consumer staples and health care. 

For the individual, it's either invest in a mutual fund, hire a financial advisor and/or get an asset manager to grow your portfolio.  As the US savings rate declines, many individuals are relying on their company's 401k plans to help them with these decisions.  That lends to more risk should you be at a company similar to Enron regarding your life savings.  Fewer individuals take active interest in their financials because they are too busy to invest their time into understanding it all.

While gamesmanship and market volatility is a current issue for many, I admit that Mr. Market always comes back with a different story each day.  Question is how do you manage yourself as well as your finances given these environmental changes?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Recheck your Banking

WSJ article on Credit Unions Poach Clients is a great review of current banking issues.  Local banks and credit unions when compared for their rates and quality of services revealed that the credit unions offered the best value.  Banks are not as helpful as perceived.  While many financial institutions continue to battle for your dollars, I offer a buyer beware of where you deposit your dollars.  One bank teller rudely questioned why I didn't deposit more of my dollars with them when I made a deposit for another account.  Why should I when your customer service is lousy, your fees are unwanted and your willingness to help me with my financial situation is nonexistent.  I will gladly send my dollars elsewhere.  Question is where?

Your local credit union is one opportunity.  For military families, this is not as good of an option especially with PCSing or international travel.  I find that USAA doesn't charge ATM fees and offers free checking.  There are other military-friendly financial institutions to consider. 

Important is to bank with a financial institution that does provide an FDIC guarantee on your account (not brokerage or money market as these fall under SPIC which is completely different from FDIC) and double-check the fees you could potentialy pay.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Layaway is Back!

The ads are astounding how more retailers are offering layaway this 2011 holiday season. 

Walmart Toys R Us  Sears  K-mart  Best Buy  and more!

It's an aggressive move to recapture sales at a time that consumers are more debt-savy.  The reality is that you may not capture those huge sales or markdowns as the holiday season nears to an end.  Paying full price for an item on layaway will help with your cash budget but perhaps stockpiling the cash in your wallet and waiting for the sale may be a good thing depending upon your wish list this season. 

It's important to reassess your budget this year and see what's a priority and what can wait until closer to the date.  Also, each layaway option has different fees or rules so check out the full details before signing on the dotted line. 

eLayaway is another fee-based company that enables you to make payments on certain items such as iPads and other items.  For a small fee and a proven reliable business in layaway, you can stay on target with your budget this holiday season.