Most folks keen on cutting expenses and trying to do more with less funds find themselves working hard only to save a few cents here and there. It's a struggle to find a way to earn money and then find out that it costs more than before for that one item. Even in 2013 as we embark on higher taxes and higher prices while incomes are less than before makes for a gloomy season financially. Perhaps it's wise to shift the perspective from the gloom and doom (or rather the black and red) to the liquid sunshine (or the glass is half full approach).
Do more with less.
It can't be that simple. I find that when I don't go out of the house and stay away from stores, I spend a lot less. It's a means of self-preservation where I stay away from the store or influence to take my money. These days, I am learning about delayed gratification. For example, I need to fill my gas tank up with gasoline but I can wait a few more days until I need to refill it.
Staying away from the stores where you are nothing but ATTACKED by everything in it's path to get you to spend more money than you had originally intended.
Those promotional coupons, it is nice to save $1 but I ended up spending an extra $5 because after all I saved $1. The concept of saving xyz on the final bill versus how much did I acutally spend is the difference you need to make in your financial behavior pattern.
While these ideas seem too simple, not sophisticated and redundant, it is wise to guard your billfold, don't be bullied into saving because it's a great deal or coupon, and reconsider the old-fashioned way of doing things. It may be less technology, less gratification and less socialization, but the reward is far greater when you can remain on track with your budget and feel financial peace. That's a great financial tip.
(c) 2013 Alfa Sugar
Financial perspective on modern life in America from a military spouse's perspective Disclaimer: This web site page is the opinion of the person writing it, and any financial decisions made as a result does not make the writer liable for any action taken. Please consult your personal financial advisor for more information.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
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