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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Battling Bare

In the recent article, Military Wives Strip Down to Raise Awareness about PTSD, it's a testament to what the military wives and families deal with regarding PTSD or post-traumatic stress syndrome.  It is an important issue that is hindering military from getting jobs in the private sector once they discharge from the military. 

At Battling Bare, a new nonprofit organization, these ladies are encouraging others to support their husbands battling PTSD.  By writing the motto below on their bare back and taking a picture of it to post online, it is hoped that this attention-getting device will raise awareness to a grave situation that our military servicemembers are dealing with. 

Broken by battle…
Wounded by war…

My love is FOREVER–to you this I SWORE.
Quiet your silent screams…
Help heal your shattered soul…
Until once again, my love…
Battle bare.

It takes courage to reach for help only to have it thrown back in your face.  Counselors and even church ministers misunderstand the issue at hand, and that leads to wrongful and hurtful diagnosis of the problem.  It takes a strong military wife to weather the storm with her husband, and this Battling Bare motto is a great morale boost to those raising attention to a very delicate situation that our society and military desire to sweep under the carpet. 

You DON'T throw away this marriage as many would encourage divorce and leaving the person.  You DO work through the difficult situation and start another life after the military experience.  It's a one day at a time challenge where you focus on the positives and forgive for those who do you wrong.  (and it's okay if it takes a long time to forgive but it is key to learn to forgive and move on with your wonderful life).

Another article in the The Leaf Chronicle

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