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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Military Wives, Get Support!

It's amazing the amount of military wives groups that are surfacing. 

For those in the military close to a base, the opportunities to connect with other military wives is plentiful.  MOPS groups, local FRG groups as well as other groups on base are great. 

For those military wives who are in the guard or reserve and are not near a base, there are other groups evolving such as Wives of Faith, Homefront United, Wives in Bloom, and PWOC.   

There are conferences now for military spouses such as Wings for Women

The financial perspective is what you put into it is what you get out of it.  Most groups are interested in FREE activities.  Perhaps the cost is a cup of coffee from Starbucks, the price of a meal at a restaurant or even travel costs to attend a conference or meetings.  Child care costs are an additional expense unless a family member or friend can provide that service. 

Military wives live a unique lifestyle that is important in more ways than they even realize.  So often, the comment from most is "I could never do what you do."  These comments, though meant to be kind, are the worst kind to make because that military spouse is thinking the same thing.  Instead, it is wise to thank that person for their commitment to their husband who serves and to please thank him for his service to his country.  Even more important is for military wives to get support from others experiencing similar walks in life.  The groups mentioned above are a starting place, but ultimately it comes to the individual's willingness to reach out and make a connection.  It's worth it in the long run.  May is Military Spouse Appreciation Month and is a great way to celebrate military wives. 


Ideas for informal military wives gatherings:
*Meet and Greet (local coffee shop)
*Scrapbooking or hobby
*Service Project - Military Care Packages
*Get tips on surviving the deployment or how to communicate with your spouse
*Read a book and talk about it
*book clubs

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