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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Third Quarter Results for Alfa Sugar

As of September 30th, Alfa Sugar has had 1,491 hits since inception.  This little blog has seen an increase in activity, and for the month of September, we experienced 401 pageviews.  While a slim number compared to other great blogs, Alfa Sugar hasn't posted as much this past quarter as hoped.  Our traffic continues internationally from US, UK, Canada, Germany, Romania, Singapore, India, Russia, Hungary, Australia and other countries.  Our top three articles are 1) No Pay if Fed Shutdown Occurs  2) What is Alfa Sugar? and 3) Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay for our Veterans. 

Emphasis continues on military money matters.  I am a firm believer that women need to develop more confidence when it comes to money matters, especially military wives who endure the challenges of maintaining the homefront while their spouse serves. 

Also, I have a soft heart for veterans and intend to get caught up on conducting research on military financial matters.  Future article(s) are in the queue. 

Alfa Sugar is conducting investment research and analysis for future publication.  It's an exciting time in the financial markets where supply meets demand.   Many struggle to find employment and make ends meet while others get by with what limitations they've got.  I pray that you may find peace and contentment with whatever you have for there are things that money cannot buy.  I've been blessed with finding this gift of blogging and aspire for achieving the next level.  If you make an attempt to contact me, please leave a voicemail message as I am difficult to get via phone.  E-mail is another great way to get a question or comment through to Alfa Sugar.  Thank you for stopping by my blog.

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