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Monday, January 16, 2012

Time is THE currency of your world

Checking out at a local grocery store, I overheard a school teacher comment about how nice it was to shop in a small square footage place where none of her students nor their parents were there to interrupt her shopping experience.  While I thought how odd it is that she doesn't want to make that connection with her students (after all she is a role model), it dawned on me how those interruptions along with all these other interruptions such as e-mail, text messages, phone calls, and such take time away from us getting done what we need to do for daily living. 

Back during the era of Little Women, the joy of socializing with others much less receiving a letter was priceless.  Wall Street began underneath a tree and evolved from bucket shops into this mega computer world of finance today.  The classic movie It's a Wonderful Life brings a stark reality to time spent developing relationships versus time spent on the bottom line.  Certain priorities are the same and/or change depending upon a person's goal in life.  Today, people are in such a hurry to move on if not steer clear of someone just so that they don't have to speak is a polar opposite of the time before computer domination.  Perhaps our social skills are declining, and many military wives are practically screaming for a face to face connection. Perhaps many are too busy to realize what is really going on.  Perhaps many are challenged with the varying demands upon their time.

There is only 24 hours per day seven days a week.  With that limited amount of time, some folks suffer sleep deprivation in order to achieve more.  Sleep disorders are on the rise because of an imbalance in present day lifestyles.  I usually react negatively to my children getting sick and having to cancel activities for a few days; however, I surprise myself with how positively happy I am to slow up and enjoy living life.  There is something to stopping and smelling the roses.

Time management especially of self is super-critical of anyone at any stage in life.  It is not how much you accomplish in one day or pack as much as you can in one suitcase for the day.  Rather, it is focusing your time on the top priorities in your life for that day. 

Investing your time into something remarkable such as your marriage, your children, your education, your ability to be a better worker amongst peers or whatever you name is well worth it in the long haul.  Some folks take pay cuts to work less hours or even get more vacation time so that they can enjoy the life that God created for them. 

Time is the currency of your world.  The key point to determine is how you self-manage yourself and your time to achieve your goal(s).  Though time is precious, time is fleeting away at record breaking speed.  It is important to make the most of it.  As us finance gurus love to analyze the time value of money equation, it's even more important to consider the nonmonetary forms of success that lend to creating a life worth it in the long run.

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